I read Christina's blog Soul Aperture and feel such deep happiness. She has a way of highlighting the ordinary and making me realize how beautiful daily life can be. I love her posts on simple things and I finally decided to list some of my own.
- Listening to my four-year-old granddaughter request a book from my "book room"
- A big pot of chili cooked by my husband, ready when I get home from work
- Books and my book room
- Email from my daughter
- Heated seats in my car when the outside temperature is 16 degrees!
- Sunshine
- Phone calls with dear friends
- Blogs—I love reading blogs!
- A free bookmark included in my latest book purchase
- Getting a copy of "The Big Tidy Up" after 30 years! This was a book by Norah Smaridge that I read to my children when they were little. We all loved it—and recently it was re-released—and now I own my own copy! (You can find it on Amazon.)
- Reading The Big Tidy Up to my granddaughter
- Covering up with my FuzzyWuzzy (like a Snuggie) in the mornings while I write in my notebook
I love the way reading one blog leads to another leads to another, etc.—and before you know it, you have discovered a site that makes your heart sing—and you are not quite sure how you got there—and you are so glad you did!