I love the taste of:
- Mocha frappuccino with a shot of caramel
- My mom's noodles
- Candied sweet potatoes
- An ice cold Coca-Cola on a hot day
- Flourless chocolate cake
I love the sight of:
- My grandkids' smiling faces
- New books to read
- A rainbow
- The Mississinewa river
- Fountain pens
I love the sound of:
- Old time rock and roll
- Wind chimes
- 80's dance music
- Children laughing
- A flute
I love the smell of:
- Coffee (even though I don't like to drink it very much)
- Cinnamon and apple
- Paul Sebastian men's cologne
- A bookstore
- Fresh cut grass
I love the feel of:
- A baby's soft skin
- Flannel sheets
- A book in my hands (you knew that had to be in there somewhere!)
- A hug
- A soft kiss
These sensory treats were inspired by Jamie Ridler's http://jamieridlerstudios.ca/treats-a-catalogue-of-sensory-delights entry that she wrote after being inspired by the work she's doing in The Joy Diet http://www.amazon.com/Joy-Diet-Daily-Practices-Happier/dp/0609609904/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1256933737&sr=8-4 by Martha Beck. http://www.marthabeck.com/ Jamie leads an on-line group called The Next Chapter http://www.tnc-thejoydiet.blogspot.com/ . The group works through a book in unison and writes up their response weekly. I thought about joining this group because I have the book, I love Martha Beck, and I would love to be in a group like this. I've followed the group as they've worked through other books. At the time they started, I still didn't have a reliable computer, and I just didn't know if I would stick with the exercises. Maybe I'll join the next one. Until then, I check in, read their entries, and then do some of the exercises on my own. I guess that is "Learning by Lurking!"
So, how about you? What are some of your sensory treats?